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This server is 18+ - Crossplay


Every player must register individually. Registration is required to play on this cluster! Non-registered players are not allowed to play on the cluster. Giving out the server password will get you banned! Allowing your friends who are unregistered to join you or off of you, will get you banned. Please have them register on discord before joining the servers.


Unregistered players found on our servers will be kicked and asked to register or banned. All players need a TRIBE! Please make sure when you register, you make a tribe name to be used in-game…even if you are the only person in your tribe. Several reasons why you need to have a tribe - Not having a tribe will not record your tribe log. Tribe logs only record when a tribe is formed. If something should happen to your character…like getting Ark'ed, you can not be put back into a tribe that does not exist! Tribe name must be the same on ALL maps. Please list all members of your tribe by tagging them. That let's us see if they are registered on discord and in this cluster.


If you find a base location that does not have a water source, please submit a ticket for a water vein. Let us know your base cords and an admin will come and put one in free of charge for you. Piping far distances or all over the map is unacceptable as it will cause lag. Extra water veins will cost 1,500 BBS.


Teleporters must be set to PUBLIC and must be accessible to everyone. DO NOT place a teleporter behind a force fields, locked doors, gates, inside rooms, etc. Do not leave your dinos on teleporters alone. Your teleporter name should be your TRIBE name. DO NOT place a teleport anywhere besides your base. Do not place a teleporter randomly on any map.​

1 base per tribe per map. If we find multiple bases on the same map, we will remove one for you. If you are relocating your base, please note it in registration ny editing your original registration post or please make-a-ticket and let us know.


Your base must be in full render - Standing at one end of your base diagonally looking at the other corner end - It should be a MAX 260 meters across end to end - Length and Width MAX 180 Meters and a MINIMUM of 600 meters away from another Tribes base. You can use Tek Binoculars to check the distance of either. If you make your base on the ocean - You can use up to 9 ocean platforms together in a square formation (3 by 3 Square). No skyscrapers land, air or water please! If you are unsure, please contact ⁠ask-an-admin or ⁠🎫make-a-ticket🎫 (The distances could change at any time as ASA is new and we are still figuring out what is best for rendering - Please keep that in mind when building and as a safe precaution do not go MAX on base size until we determine best course)


  • First warning – you have 7 days to fix your base (Make it smaller, if too big and not in render and or move your base out of render of someone else’s base.


  • Second warning – Redgunned (We will redgun parts of your base to make it within render or redgun entire base if its within render of another tribe’s base)


Full render means you can see your entire base when standing at one end of it to the other.


Please make sure you register your base cords. – who registers the spot first, first gets the spot.


No building near obelisks, Artifact caves, explorer notes, high resource areas or high dino spawn areas – We have many signs around the map on some areas of no building. If you are not sure of the area you want to build in, please ask an admin by using ask-an-admin chat or make-a-ticket If you are building near a red runestone on the Fjordur Map, please make sure to have access to the red runestone available for other players to collect. Whether you’re in a cave or not. Enable teleporter to public teleportation or leave your cave door unlocked. Access is very important for player experience and for completing the game. If you are found to have blocked off access to any of them or anything listed above, you are in violation. There will be no warning – Instant redgun of your base and possible banned off the server. This is your warning.

If you place traps (gateways, walls, etc) to tame a dino, please remove them once you are done with them. No pillaring, piping, or foundation spamming or spamming anything in general on the maps – Instant violation and instant banned.


All our oil pumps and gas collectors are Admin owned and unlocked for everyone's use. We find this makes it a lot easier for players to get oil and gas verses lock tribe owned as there are so little oil and gas veins per map. If you see an oil or gas vein we missed, please put in a ticket at #make-a-ticket with map/cords, so we can place down an oil/gas pump and unlock it. Want your own private oil/gas pump placed on your property/cave, refer to the #🍓bbs-store🍓 for BBS pricing.


No in-game trolling allowed! No harassment of any kind to players or admins. Respect everyone! No kitting wild dinos to anyone’s base, no picking up players, no drowning players, no scamming players out of their loot or dinos. No griefing or insiding. This is a PVE server, not PVP. Wild Ride and the admins are not responsible for who you recruit to your tribe or who you make a deal with. If you have evidence of being trolled, please submit a ticket. If you are caught doing anything above, you will be instant banned from the cluster and discord.


No mass breeding, offline breeding, leaving dinos on wandering out in the wild or at your base. Any dinos found left on wandering, will be confiscated. If you no longer want a dino, please refer to the adoption centre on your map and place dino up for adoption. DO NOT let your dinos loose – Mass breeding and scattering dinos across the map causes extreme lag, please respect this cluster and players. W


When offline, please leave a max of 10 dinos out to help reduce lag. No more than 2 Stryders per base as these cause extreme lag!


No buying or selling your pre-built bases!


No buying Alphas from players or selling Alpha dinos that you receive from donation packages.

Wild Ride and Admins are not responsible and will not replace lost items or dino’s while transferring maps. Please limit what you bring. We are also not responsible for you being Arked. We have all been there.


When naming your character or tribe please do not use Human, Humano, Hooman, 123, Bob, etc. Be original and unique with your names. If we see any of these names or names, we feel that should be changed. We will do a name change for you with a name of our choosing.

WR BANK - Anyone that uses any crime commands to steal BBS from players will be instantly banned. Members are ONLY allowed to use the commands - give, balance, deposit, and withdraw.


INACTIVITY - we will consider you inactive if your tribe hasn't logged in for 1 month. We do monthly base checks and will wipe base and tribe who have not been active for 1 month. We understand life gets busy, so if you wish not to have your tribe or base wiped, please make-a-ticket and let us know you will be away.


NEED HELP? Use the make-a-ticket channel to request help or ask in ask-an-admin.


PLEASE DO NOT private message any admin or Ping an Admin. Following the above will get you the help you need. Please be friendly, respectful and patient. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will result in consequences. This server is auto-moderated by Bots, so using bad language excessively and spamming channels will get you warned, potentially muted and banned.


Please be aware of our rules FULLY and follow them.


PLEASE NOTE: Leaving Wild Ride Discord is seen as leaving the server, therefore, your base, dinos, and character will be removed. We reserve the right to remove you from all our servers at any time with no explanation for not following rules.

If you are ready to join our cluster, please refer to our discord tab and head on over to register!

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